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I'm Melissa

 For 10 years I worked as a School Counselor at an alternative

  high school - I loved my job, but I was feeling stuck and realized I was

  ready for a change.  When I finally started doing something about this

 “stuck” feeling, I went full speed ahead!  I started looking for a new

school counseling job, and at the same time, completed training to become a life coach!  Then I accepted a position as a School Counselor in the Homeless/Highly mobile department at Minneapolis Public Schools,

and I started my new business as a life coach!


My ultimate GOAL is for my clients to connect to the badass that exists within each and every one of them!  It wasn’t until my 40’s that I finally connected with my own badass self!  I have to admit, I’ve had a pretty damn good life, but I’ve had struggles (anxiety, depression, emotionally abusive relationship etc.) that have gotten in the way of me being able to completely embrace my true self - it was through radical, authentic self-care

that I was able to find that connection. 


What got me to that point?  An unhealthy relationship!  For several years I was in an on-again, off-again relationship with someone who I eventually realized was emotionally abusive. It wasn’t until my therapist identified the relationship as emotionally abusive that I realized that’s what it was.  Me, a mental health professional who counsels young people on healthy relationships, didn’t even realize I was stuck in an

abusive relationship!  That’s how good narcissists are - they manipulate and mess with your head so

much that you don’t even realize it’s happening.  No one understood what I was going through -

except those who had also experienced narcissistic emotional abuse.  


After one of many times that I cut this man out of my life, I decided that finally it was time to really take care of myself.  Around the same time, my dad gave me a book for Christmas - You Are a Badass, by Jen Sincero.  This book started me on my road to self-care and life coaching!  I had read about and “practiced” self-care in the past, but this time I really dug into it, through what I now call radical, authentic self-care.  

my story

my secret...

another secret

I'm Winnie

the NON-therapy dog

I read...a lot - specifically about self-care, mindsets , the law of attraction and positive psychology.   I started learning about and getting energy healing services like reiki, and I hired a life coach for myself.I loved reiki so much that I even became a reiki master myself!  I’ve never been a super “woo woo” kind of person, but energy healing has been a huge help for me!  After one of my reiki sessions, I had an aha moment - I could be a life coach and help other women who are getting out of emotionally abusive relationships- because I’m someone who actually gets it!  I immediately signed up for and completed a Life Coach training program through The Institute for Life Coach Training. 

And here I am today, Melissa Winship, board certified (BCC)  professional life coach! 

Now I want to share what I learned with you,

because you too deserve to live your best life!


Melissa Winship, Life Coach.

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