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Studying at Home


"Working with Melissa was something I didn't know I needed!  My sessions with Melissa have helped get my life organized! The sessions also have given me a system to prioritize and break down tasks into manageable steps that are not so overwhelming. Working with a Life Coach has been SO GREAT! The accountability, different ideas, perspective and reinforced direction to the path of least resistance while working to reach some goals I want to achieve is something I would highly recommend to everyone but especially anyone who feels stuck!"

                                           -- Karissa Mariee

"What I like the most about working with Melissa is that she taught me to lean into my own thoughts and feelings, to listen to myself. She helped me

to learn how to take control instead of letting life control me. working with Melissa was one

of the best decisions because it was

tremendously impactful." 

                                                        -- Jen

"Melissa has encouraged me to be more purposeful with my goals.  Our sessions have felt so productive and efficient because I had Melissa to hold me accountable.  I feel like this was the reset that I needed to live life more intentionally."

                                                           -- Kate

"I am absolutely SO grateful to have been linked to you. This was my first experience receiving life coaching, and as a licensed therapist, I came into this curious, open-minded, and eager to reap the benefits, not realizing how much more I’d gain! Melissa, you have helped me gain more confidence in myself and my decisions, to be specific about my goals and aspirations and any/all barriers to achieving them, and most importantly, held me accountable in each and every interaction, all with grace, acceptance, and empathy. I’m SUPER grateful and excited for my next chapter! You’ve given me more hope for my future, and I’ll forever appreciate you for granting me this experience!"

                                                             -- Moriah


Melissa Winship, Life Coach.

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